Shipping Checklist

Make a booking

You will need the following items:

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Service Options

  1. Door to Door Shipping
  2. Courier Pickup
  3. Drop-off at a freight center
  4. Sea Freight

Payment Details

You can pay by cash or bank direct deposit. Please note that payment is due prior to shipment.

Prepare your shipment

To get your boxes or bags ready for shipping we suggest:

  • Avoid wrapping with brown paper as this comes off in transit
  • Write address details using a black felt tip pen
  • Use block letters and please write clearly

Write the following details in English on each carton:

  • From: Name, Street, City, Country, Phone number
  • To: Name, Street City, Country, Phone number

You can access labels to print via our web site.

Sending your shipment

Door to Door Shipping

Your country of destination may require a specific ‘Unaccompanied Baggage Form’ which we will supply.

Your shipment will be cleared through the Customs office of the destination country before delivery to your door.

Please follow the instructions listed for ‘Courier Pickup’, in addition to providing the following:

  • a photocopy of your passport
  • a detailed list with the value of your items
  • a completed country specific ‘Unaccompanied Baggage Form’ if needed (we will advise you if this is needed).

Courier Pickup & Sea Freight

There are additional labels and documentation to be attached to each item. First, complete the WAT Shipper’s Letter of Instruction. Call us and we will tell you what to put in the “TO: “ portion of this document. We will also verify the time and location where your shipment will be picked up.

Make a photocopy of your WAT Baggage Shipper’s Letter of Instruction for your records.

Place the following documents in an envelope:

  • A photocopy of your passport
  • The completed WAT Shipper’s Letter of Instruction
  • A detailed list of the items in your shipment


  • Tape the envelope to the top of one of the boxes
  • Tape the WAT label to the top of each box

Bags and Suitcases:

  • Securely tape the envelope around the handle of the bag or suitcase
  • Tape the WAT label on each bag or suitcase (this is for our courier/transportation company purposes)

Your boxes and bags are now labeled and ready for shipment.

When we receive your items at our offices we will weigh and measure them to provide you with the final shipping price.

Drop-off at our Office & Sea Freight

  • Bring the completed WAT Baggage Shipper’s Letter of Instruction
  • Bring your passport
  • Bring your list of items
  • Bring your payment or credit card

We will weigh and measure your shipment to determine final shipping costs and give you an invoice for your records.

Your shipment is now in international transit.


When your shipment arrives at the final destination city, we will send to your destination address via email, fax or mail, your copies of the documentation you will need, including a copy of your airline airway bill number (if needed) and a copy of your invoice.

  • Upon your arrival contact the airline cargo office which has received your shipment
  • They will advise you of any customs fees that you may have to pay
  • You may also have to go the customs office and show your passport and your copy of your airline airway bill
  • You can then pick up your shipment from the airline cargo

Sea Freight

Upon your arrival contact the Shipping Line Agent listed on the Bill of Lading. This agent will advise you of clearance fees and any port changes.

You may then pick up your shipment from the nominated depot.

Thank you for choosing to use World Angkor Transport


  1. All instructions must be written in English.
  2. All boxes and suitcases are subject to security checks and dangerous goods inspection.
  3. WAT reserves the right to inspect all shipments in accordance with our conditions of contract.

Let us help you!

We can help you to move anything, anywhere. Just contact us now for a free quote.